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How to solve the problem of a malfunction in the pyramid tea packaging machine?


How to solve the problem of a malfunction in the pyramid tea packaging machine?

The malfunctions of the pyramid tea packaging machine often occur, so how can we prevent the malfunctions of the pyramid tea packaging machine?


Firstly, if the pyramid tea packaging machine is noisy. Due to wear or rupture of the vacuum pump coupling during operation, it can cause significant noise. At this point, we only need to replace it; Blockage or incorrect installation position of the exhaust filter can also cause high equipment noise. We only need to wash or replace the exhaust filter and install it correctly.


Secondly, if the vacuum pump of the pyramid tea packaging machine sprays oil and the suction valve O-ring falls off, causing the vacuum pump to spray oil, we only need to unplug the vacuum pipe on the pump nozzle, remove the suction nozzle, take out the pressure spring and suction valve, gently stretch the O-ring several times, re insert it into the groove, and then install it; Worn discs can also cause fuel injection, so we only need to replace the discs.


Thirdly, if the vacuum level of the pyramid tea packaging machine is low. This may be caused by pump oil contamination, too little or too thin. We should wash the vacuum pump and replace the vacuum pump oil; If the pumping time is too short, it may also cause low vacuum. We can extend the pumping time; If there is a blockage in the exhaust filter, the exhaust filter can be washed or replaced. If there is a blockage in the exhaust filter, the exhaust filter can be washed or replaced.


Changyun’s pyramid tea bag packing machine is available with a variety of different options depending on your requirements.

Post time: Sep-26-2023